Summers Off? Part II

Almost two weeks ago, I wrote about how teachers don't really have the summers off. Some of us teach summer school, give or attend professional development, and/or just reflect and plan for the next school year.

Presenter Selfie!

I am attending or planning/providing professional development all summer long. I am involved with a math grant, WCMI, where I am giving some PD (check-out this blog post from my co-presenter!) and then I am also leading some PD in my own district. I am trying to keep the days working to two per week so I can still enjoy some summer fun with my little one.

In the past week, I have had two conversations with well-meaning neighbors/family members where they ask me about my summer. It goes something like:

well-meaning person: So, you are off for the summer, right? <smirk>

me: Well, actually I'm working about two days a week

well-meaning person: Oh! <shocked pause> What are you doing?!
(at this point I can see a look of disappointment in their face-- I think they were hoping to say something like, "Must be nice to be a teacher and have the summer off!)

me: I'm teaching teachers some professional development

well-meaning person: Huh. So.... you don't have the summer off?

Ha ha, so funny. It's like I'm blowing their minds! I feel like I'm on a mission to educate non-teachers what teachers really do on their "summer vacation!"


  1. I am constantly telling people that teachers work 60+ hours a week during the school year and 10-20 hours a week during the summer. I always get a look of confusion. Not sure what I could possibly be doing that would be considered "work" when school is not in session. Good to know I'm not alone in this!

    1. Hi Laura! Thanks for stopping by the blog and leaving a comment! Sounds like there are more people out there that need an education on what educators actually do. Keep fighting the good fight! :)


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