Sunday Letters

I'm participating in Big Time Literacy's "Sunday Letters." It's a fun way to add a little spice to my normally math-teachy posts. Plus, I just love reading Michelle's blog. Even though she's all about reading and I'm all about math, I still find inspiration in what she writes about teaching and coaching teachers. It just goes to show that teaching is not just about content!

Okay, back to the letters!

Dear New 6th Graders,
You made it! You have gotten through a tough start to middle school with lots of schedule changes, all the while being new to a big school. We've had a great start and you all seem so sweet and eager to learn. A few of you made me laugh this week, which I captured in a Tweet:
I'm looking forward to more learning and laughs this school year!
Mrs. Forest

Dear FMS Math Teachers,
Thanks for being open to me being a math coach. I love hearing about your teaching goals for this year and I'm looking forward to supporting you in your teaching journey. I'm also looking forward to learning from you as I move my practice forward as well!

Dear Natalie,
You are such a awesome kid! So flexible, you don't mind hanging at daycare while I teach. You never cry when I drop you off, but you are always excited to see me in the afternoon. Everyone says you are just the cutest (and I agree), but you are also so smart and sensitive. At 15 months you are already saying 15 words! When you hear a kiddo crying at Target or the doctor's office, you tear up and look at me-- I just know you have an empathetic heart, which I love!

Dear Leah,
Thanks for taking the time to meet with me this week about setting coaching goals. It was so nice to talk through some things and organize myself a bit. I love your suggestion for giving teachers "compliments" and "considerations" after you observe their class. I love the language and the structure. I'm also trying out Evernote for organizing my pictures and notes. Thanks for being a mentor to mentors! :)
With gratitude,


  1. I love to hear about your kiddo, and how you can see the kind of person she is already, so caring of others! And I agree, I love reading lots of blogs with similar and different content. There is so so SO much more to teaching that just our content! Thanks for linking up :-) Oh, and I totally miss middle school kids and their thinking, was LOLing at the tweet from earlier this week!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. Looking forward to chatting and learning from you about coaching soon!

  2. Children are so honest. At least this time it was complimentary...sorta?
    We always believe that our kids are special, but it is nice to hear others agree! :)

    1. Agreed, I guess it was a compliment that they don't think I'm too wrinkly, yet... but they still think I'm soooo old! :) ha ha

  3. You all are so "advanced" from where I am at! I am not at mentor status yet! But I love reading about your mentoring.


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