Summer Bucket List

I wrote two posts about how teachers don't have the "whole summer off." I guess I got a little fired up about the misconception that non-teachers sometimes have!

With that being said, I do have a more relaxed schedule in the summer. I am trying to only take Natalie to daycare twice a week. That leaves plenty of days for pursuing some other interests. I wanted to take this post to make a list of the things I want to do with this little bit of time I do have, especially because summer is my favorite time of year! 

I've seen people make a summer bucket list, so I thought I would borrow that format.

First, here is my Summer Bucket List from Last Summer (2014):
1. Keep this tiny human fed, changed, and relatively happy
(Believe me, this one item took the. whole. summer!)

Here is the list for this summer!


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