Taking Stock: March

I haven't done a post like this since October! It is such a fun format, I thought I would bring it back!

Making: This cute banner for Pi Day!

Cooking: I'm trying to go pretty healthy with food for Natalie. I'm making my own baby food and trying to buy organic, when I can. This blog, Baby Foode, has some great baby food recipes... just because it's healthy doesn't mean it can't be tasty!

Drinking: I'm really into Trader Joe's lately. TJ comes through with boxed red wine. Yep, a box of wine that is surprisingly yummy!

Reading: Nothing. Boo hoo- I have no time to read. I haven't read my book club's books in months! (I still go to book club for the wine, though!)

Wanting: Some time with my friends to hang out and catch up... it's been too long! 

Planning: Natalie's first birthday party (she turns 1 on May 29th, but I'm already thinking about the party!) Look at this cute onsie!

Playing: "Pedals Around the Rose" with my students, if there are ever a few minutes left of class. Have you ever tried it? 

Eating: Tons! I'm still nursing Natalie and it makes me super hungry! :)

Wishing: I was better at giving feedback to my students. It's something I'm still working on. I need a good system to make sure my feedback is timely and helpful. Biggest struggle right now is how to give good, personalized, timely feedback to 115 students?

Enjoying: Teaching... it took quite a few months to get back on track with my students after being on maternity leave. Finally, I think we've hit our groove.

Waiting: For Spring Break and a little time off to hang out with my little family.

Liking: This funny, clever blog, called "Wait But Why." There are some great representations of large numbers. It's worth checking out!

Wondering: What I should put in my presentation I'm doing for iEngage Berwyn coming up in May. I haven't presented about this topic yet (student blogs in math), and I want it to be good!

Loving: Every minute I get to spend with my kiddo!

Hoping: That I can continue to have a career in education and feel like I'm doing a good job being a mom. It's tough to juggle both, but I don't think I feel ready to leave education just yet.

Marveling: How resilient my students are during the PARCC testing.

Needing: My next project. I like having something I'm working on... SBG, blogging, ICTM Facebook page, presenting PD, etc. I'm looking for my next "thing." Maybe instructional coaching?

Smelling: The first smells of Spring. I can tell in the air that is just smells a little "Springy!"

Wearing: I really like wearing black skinny pants with a cute top and flats... it's pretty much my uniform everyday!

Following: Lots of people on Twitter. It is a great resource. I recently discovered #TTOG (teachers throwing out grades)

Laughing: With my husband about the silly faces and things our kid does. She cracks us up!

Knowing: A really effective questioning technique is to start a sentence with "Tell me more about..." It is much better than starting with "Why..." (starting with "why" puts people on the defensive right away, like they need to defend themselves). Starting with "Tell me more about..." is great for asking questions to kids or to adults!

Thinking: How proud I am of my husband that just had his last grad school class!

Pinning: Oh, Pinterest, I miss you. I did check out this board for Pi Day

Opening: The calendar app on my iPhone, constantly, to make sure I'm not forgetting anything!

Feeling: Busy!

If you want to try one yourself, here are the words to copy and paste:


  1. I love this post and will have to try it out soon!
    So cool you're presenting on blogging in math - Colleen Noffsinger and I are also presenting at iEngage on using social media in teaching!
    Your little one is totally adorbs...those faces!
    I think you would love Instructional Coaching! And you'd be so good at it!
    Thanks for sharing this cool format! :-)

    1. Hi Michelle! Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog and to comment... I get so excited when I see that I have a new comment! :)


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