Taking Stock

I'm writing this post with one hand while I hold my baby with the other. I needed to get back to blogging, but it's tricky to type with one hand. So when I came across this idea , I thought it could be a perfect format for today. Making: birth announcements for Natalie Cooking: I made Pesto Chicken Paninis last night for dinner Drinking: Wine! Finally, I can have a glass with dinner again :) Reading: I want to start Emily Giffin's new book The One and Only Wanting: To write a blog post (I will soon) about my thoughts on personalized learning in response to this by Dan Meyer Planning: My presentation for the ICTM conference in October Playing: Pandora on my iPhone through my new Jambox (birthday present from my husband) Eating: Salted Caramel Ice Cream at a local ice cream place in our new town: Every Day's a Sundae Wishing: I had more time to blog Enjoying: Time at home with my baby Waiting: Until Natalie takes a nap so I can take a shower Liking: thi...