Presenting at the MMC Conference

On February 1st I attended and presented at the Metropolitan Mathematics Club of Chicago's Conference.  It was a great experience and I was flattered that they asked me to present after reading about my ICTM presentation in the ICTM program from their annual meeting in October.

It was super snowy that Saturday morning and it was pretty tough driving there!  I couldn't even see where the lane lines were on the highway which was pretty scary at times.  I ended up making it in time, though, so that was good.

I changed my presentation a little from October and also provided these handouts to participants.  I think the people that attended my session liked what I did.  I think the "Get it Together Activity" was the highlight of the session.  It is always so fun to teach teachers something new that they can use in their classrooms right away.

The two sessions I attended were good.  One was about common misconceptions that students have regarding algebra and the other were some "hands-on" ideas to use in the classroom.  I appreciate the time that the presenters put into developing their sessions and their willingness to share their ideas with others.

I'm already thinking about what I want to present about next year.  I'm thinking something (again) that links social and emotional learning to math.  I just need to think about how to go about this.  I wonder if I should repeat some of my same content since it would probably be new people attending anyway.  Either way, I'm excited to have another opportunity to provide professional development for my peers!


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