Kaleidocycles: How To

via GIPHY I started teaching in 2004. That first year, I found a blank net of a "Kaleidocycle" online. Back then, there weren't as many online tutorials! In fact, this one didn't even come with any instructions. So, I sat down with a few copies and started cutting and gluing until I figured it out. I tried it with my 8th grade students and it was a hit! The next year I tried it again with more middle schoolers and, again, everyone loved it. I continued to use it as one of my go-to end-of-the-school-year lessons . So, in total, I believe I have taught over 1000 students how to make Kaleidocycles ! This copy of a copy is the only lesson that I have saved from that first year of teaching and that I have used consistently, every year, since I first started. It really does hold a special place in my teacher heart. So... how do you make it?! First, download the net . I suggest printing it on card stock. I made a little tutorial video to help you get started. ...