New Classroom, New Ideas

I plan to blog again soon showing my "after" pictures. I still have a few finishing touches to add (even though students start tomorrow!). For now, I wanted to focus on two new ideas that I'm trying in my "new" (to me) classroom. I'm moving from the 7th/8th grade hallway on the 3rd floor down to the 6th grade hallway in Room 211. If you are a number nerd, like me (but I'm no Terry Tao ), you will appreciate these facts about my new classroom number: -211 is can be made by adding three consecutive primes: 67 + 71 + 73 -If you multiply the digits, you get a number that is still prime (2 x 1 x 1 = 2 ) -If you add the digits, you get a square: 2 + 1 + 1 = 4 -211 is the 47th prime number (and 47 is also prime) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, back to my classroom. One new idea I'm trying is ditching the teacher desk! Again, I'll share a pic soon of the completed room. I'm so excited about how much room I've gained by getting rid of tha...