A Math Teacher's Response to a Popular Story Shared on Facebook

I've seen this story from Yahoo! shared a few times on Facebook. Usually when I see things on Facebook that I either disagree with or have a different opinion, I can just think, "Hmmm, that's not what I believe but it's okay, everyone is entitled to their own opinion." This article, however, I was not able to shrug off so easily. My poor husband has gotten an earful the past two nights as I've outlined my objections (he agrees with me) and contemplated what I would write in my blog post. The article was written about a father's response on his child's homework. I guess the father shared this on Facebook and got tons of shares and likes. Here is what he wrote on the assignment: Here are my thoughts... Dear Frustrated Parent, 1. Why are you, as a parent, writing on your child's homework assignment? To be funny? To have something to post on Facebook? How selfish. Now you child has to go to school and turn this in to t...