Gender Reveal in My Classroom
On Monday my husband and I went for our 20-week doctor appointment and ultrasound. We both agreed that we wanted to know the gender. For me, the more planning I can do, the better! I'm just not laid back enough to wait the whole 9-months to find out, but I understand people that want to and I admire their patience! The ultrasound went great, the baby looks healthy, and we found out we are having a GIRL ! :) We would be excited either way, but there is just something about knowing the gender that makes it feel a little more real. Baby Girl Forest I've already included my students in this life event and they even have made their gender predictions. Some of them have been asking me for weeks when they could find out because they just couldn't wait any longer! I wanted to do something special for my Excel (homeroom) kids to reveal the gender when we got back to school on Wednesday (school was closed on Monday and Tuesday because of below 0Ė ...