3 Things


1. Following along with the NCSM Annual Meeting (#NCSM16) and the NCTM Annual Meeting (#NCTMannual) and all of my tweeps attending (#MTBoS). Feeling super jealous that I can't be there, but making the best of learning from afar!

2. Trying out using a Twitter chat format in my classroom. As a warm-up I post three questions on the board using the format Q1, Q2, and Q3. Then I ask students to fill out our Twitter google doc with their response to a chosen question using A1, A2, or A3. They also include the hashtag: #6Amathchat. I then curate answers and post to our class Twitter account (@6Amath). It's a great, quick formative assessment!

3. Continuing on my journey thinking about how I can be more culturally responsive. I've been reading a lot about white privilege and white silence in education. I'm following #educolor and a few people that have really pushed my thinking: Jose Vilson (@TheJLV), Rusul Alrubail (@RusulAlrubail), and Greg Curran (@GregBCurran). There are also some math tweeps that contribute a lot to this discussion: Ilana Horn (@tchmathculture), Bryan Meyer (@doingmath), and, new to Twitter, Rochelle Gutierrez (@RG1gal).

Resources and Blogs:

1. This post by Sara VanDerWerf (@saravdwerf) has me thinking a lot about the importance of teaching grade level standards as a matter of equity. All students deserve rich mathematical instruction at their grade level. Also, This post by Nick Tutolo (@IntoOutside) about engaging parents is an important read.

2. Check out this great way of doing a quick formative assessment, Let's Recap. It is an app for iPads as well as able to be used on laptops. You post a question and then students do a quick video response.

3. I've started listening to some podcasts. Check out this one about instructional coaching from Cult of Pedagogy and also this one about ending white silence by Greg Curran, where he interviews Greg Michie (@GregoryMichie).


1. I'm running for ICTM Board of Directors. If you are an ICTM member, be sure to vote by midnight on April 15th!

2. I just finished a guest blog post for Eric Sandberg's (@ecsandberg) blog, Your Instructional Coach. Looking forward to seeing it there soon!

3. Starting to think about my maternity sub plans. I will most likely be taking about a week or two at the end of this school year and then the rest of the days at the beginning of next school year. I feel grateful that I get to "split" the leave like this and spend more time at home with my little one. However, professionally it give me a bit of anxiety to be away from my classroom that long. I also hate missing the beginning of the school year!


1. 32-weeks pregnant and feeling it! Walking is getting tougher as well as getting dressed in the morning!

2. Starting to look forward to my maternity leave and spending time with my, soon, two kiddos! I know life will be hectic, but I'm looking forward to summer walks to the park and watching N be a big sister!

3. Obsessed with this style of slip-on sneaker. It's nice that I can wear them to school and still feel like I'm not wearing gym shoes. I bought a black pair from Marshall's and just got this white pair from DSW. :)


  1. I love that stages of Twitter life! Definitely a way of life now!
    Hope you're feeling well as you get closer and closer to baby #2! :-)


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