Where Do The Inspiring Teachers Get Inspired?

I had an opportunity to present at the Metropolitan Mathematics Club of Chicago's conference on Saturday. It was a great event full of learning! I really look forward to this conference every year.

Besides doing a regular session about using technology in the classroom and for professional learning (find the slides here), I was also one of six teachers asked to do a 10-min "ignite-type" session after lunch. I was actually more nervous for these ten minutes than I was for my 75-min session!

((talking with my hands, as usual!))

In the end, the 10-min talk went great. I got a lot of good feedback and teachers told me they were inspired to try out Twitter because of what I shared. So awesome! If you are interested, here is a screencast version of my talk encouraging teachers to try out Twitter and become involved with #MTBoS.

Another great part of the day was being able to learn alongside two of my mentees, Anna and Alix. Not only did they give up their Saturday to go to a teaching conference, they also stuck around after lunch to support me as I gave my 10-minute talk!

Me with my awesome colleagues (+ my baby bump)


  1. You were fabulous! So glad to see you do a talk, and I'll have to arrange to see one of your more-than-10-minute talks soon!


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