Apps I Love

I'm new to iPads this year. For the past four years, my students have been using MacBooks and this year we switched to iPads. I was excited about the switch and so far have loved it!

Since I'm new to iPads, I'm also new to a lot of apps. Here is a collection of my most favorite that my students use often.

Desmos- online graphing calculator and so much more.

Class Kick- use to assign work to students and instantly see student work and give feedback to the class.

iMovie- use to put together what kids make using other apps such as ChatterPix and Koma Koma.

ChatterPix- make objects "talk"

Koma Koma- create stop action videos

Dragon Box- learn algebra without knowing it. Great intuitive game that has students solving equations using pictures and following "rules."

5 Dice- great problem solving using order of operations

Ninja Chicken- practice identifying prime and composite numbers in a game similar to "Fruit Ninja"

Folt- problem solving puzzle game

Cargo Bot- create programs to move boxes and solve puzzles

Canva- app to create graphic designs and edit photos


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