Bullet Journal

I've been reading about a new (to me) idea for organizing calendars/to-do lists. It's called Bullet Journaling.

I'm so excited to try it out and would love any tips or tricks from people that have tried it!

If this is new to you too, here is a basic overview: it's a journal where you keep a bulleted list as your calendar as well as bulleted lists for daily tasks and anything else you need. While there are lots of apps for getting organized, and I do love my iPad, there is something so fun to me about actually writing out my lists and checking off things as they get completed. I had a little notebook that I used for school to-do lists, but it was never as organized or nice as this!

Check out this video by the creator, Ryder Carroll, that explains the basics of Bullet Journals well:

I also found some helpful pictures and blog posts on Pinterest. Check them out here and here.

Now, I have to pick my tools: the journal and pens. I've already wrote about my love of Stabilo pens. As a back to school gift to myself, I picked up a 30-pack at Michael's (I couldn't find a link to the set I bought at Michael's, so here is a similar set from Amazon)! I also have these Staedtler pens, which I love as well.

As for a journal, I'm debating if I want a graph paper type lines (like in the video) or regular lined pages. I'm thinking about this Leuchtturm notebook, which I read about in one of the blog posts I linked to above. I've also read about people using Moleskine or Midori Traveller Notebooks.

This is all so new to me, so I don't have any tips to share yet, but I plan to blog again after using a bullet journal for a month or two! Stay tuned. :)


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