
I think every school has committees... or planning teams, team, meetings, etc.

I have been fortunate to participate in a lot of great committees. I've been part of important work, change, and reflection which is essential to moving a district/school forward. On the other hand, I have also been part of time-sucking committees that get little done, leave members frustrated, or end with no plan of action.

I think the hard part about this, is sometimes it's difficult to predict the outcome. When approached to join/help on a committee, it is usually flattering. I think, "Yay, they want ME! This is big, this is important, I can have my voice heard!" I rarely, if ever, say no to a committee. In some ways, I think this is good. It exposes me to a lot of different people, points of view, and opinions. It also lets me see the "behind the scenes" work of a lot of district initiatives.

Here is a quick list to get an idea of what I mean:
School Improvement Committee
Social and Emotional Learning
PBIS Universal Team
PBIS Coaches
West Cook Math Initiative
District Leadership Team- Math
WCMI Professional Development Leader
Team Leader
Schedule Planning
SMART team- 1:1 Action Research
Standards Based Grading DACEE Committee

Whew, I'm sure if you are involved at your school, your list would look similar! That is a lot of meetings, time, and effort! My added time-crunch is now I have to factor in my daughter's daycare schedule. She needs to be picked up by 5 PM, when daycare closes. Many committees meet after school, so it can make for a stressful transition from school, to meeting, to daycare all the the time of day when I'm probably most tired.

So, I've already received two emails this summer about NEW committees that are starting for next school year. As I mentioned, I never really say no, but I am pausing to really consider how I can spend my time this year. I'm hoping to do some instructional coaching in math at my school this year, in addition to teaching. I already know that is going to take more of my time and I don't want to skimp on that work by taking on too much other new stuff.

How do you decide if you are going to join a committee or not?


  1. I have been involved in myriad committees like you. A few years ago I was so heavily involved in after school committees it was a very rare occasion that I was home when my younger two got of the bus from elem school. I couple years ago I took a step back and realized that in this season of my life I had to choose my own sanity and the well being of my own family over the school district's needs. My boys will be in 4th, 8th, and 11th grade this coming year. I don't want to miss out on their sports or other things because I have meetings. I do not regret taking a step back at all. How would I ever regret spending more time with my family and being less stressed out? I still am a Union Building Rep and I'm a board member of our Educational Foundation so those two things are plenty. I'm not on any other committees and I chose to not reapply to be a Middle School Math Liaison. I would say choose what interests you the most and what will be enjoyable. Stay away from committees that will be stressful or poorly run.
    Middle School Math Rules

    1. Thanks for the words of wisdom, Sherrie. It's nice to hear advice and encouragement from you since you have experience with this whole being a teacher/mom thing! I'm new to this, so I'm still trying to find that balance!

  2. How funny that you wrote this post and read my blog right after? I know what you mean about feeling honored to be asked - I used to always say yes, too! But the 12-24 hours of wait time helps, a lot! I'm glad you'll try it out...You've already got so much on your plate!

    1. PS - I LOVE your little thought bubble you put in for the Favicon!

    2. Thanks, Michelle! I was having some blog envy. Everyone seems to have such cute graphics/design on their blogs! I had to do a little research how to get the favicon. Then, I learned how to use Canva for graphics. How do you make your cute graphics?


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