Sunday Letters

Well, it's Monday and I'm behind already… I wanted to participate in writing "Sunday Letters!"  Through the magic of blogger, I can schedule this post for yesterday.  Yes!

I think this is such a cute idea and format for a blog post.  Thanks Michelle for the inspiration. :)

Dear Blog,
I'm sorry that I ignored you all summer!  It was too hard to take care of a newborn and update you at the same time.  I promise to make a better effort from now on.
With love,

Dear Natalie,
Thanks for being such a great kiddo!  I'm enjoying my time at home with you and watching you grow and change everyday.  I can't believe you are only 3 months old and at the same time can't believe you are already 3 months old!  Thank you also for being asleep in your swing right now so I can blog! :)

Dear Katie and Lauren,
Thank you for all you are doing to help fill in for my responsibilities while I am on maternity leave.  I know you have a lot on your plate already and I appreciate you taking on more.  You are both rockstar teachers and I'm glad I get to work with you!

Dear people on my upcoming flight,
I will be traveling with you at the beginning of October from Chicago to California.  My brother is getting married so of course I am excited to go… however, I am super nervous about traveling with my baby.  I really hope she doesn't cry and doesn't disrupt your flight.  No one wants a kid to be crying on a plane and I get that-- if she does cry, please be nice to me!
Fellow Passenger with a Baby
P.S. Congrats Joe and Steph… can't wait to celebrate with you!

That's it for this Sunday!*

(*Monday! <wink>)


  1. Cutie patootie Natalie will be fab on the plane! I love her photo and your letters :)


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