Cutie π

She's here!  A few weeks early but it was nice of her to wait until the day after my 8th graders graduate.  Can you imagine if my water broke at the graduation ceremony?!

Cutie π

So I got to finish the school year with my students but there were a few days left of school that I was supposed to use for scheduling for next year and cleaning my classroom.  This baby is teaching me a lesson in flexibility because I couldn't organize my classroom like I wanted.  I had to ask some teacher friends to pack up my (messy!) desk and other random items in my room including an open bag of pretzels in my desk (embarrassing!)

Despite the change in plans for the end of the school year, it's all worth it because little Natalie Anne is healthy and happy.  My 8th graders were convinced that she would be born knowing all the algebra that we learned this year.  I haven't seen evidence of her combining like terms or solving equations yet, but then again most of our day is filled with changing diapers and feeding so we haven't had time for math… yet. :)


  1. Super cute, this post and the "Cutie Pi" title (I don't even know how to make a Pi symbol!) Anyways, enjoy your summer with the little one and I'll be looking forward to keeping up with you here!

    1. Thanks Michelle! I'm hoping to have some time to work on my blog this summer, but so far Natalie has been keeping me pretty busy! I hope you are enjoying your summer so far!

      Oh, and to make the "π" symbol it's: option p :)


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