Flipped Lessons with Learn Zillion

My classroom is not a flipped classroom.  However, I do like doing some "flipped" lessons.  Sometimes I create my own videos and other times I find a good one online.  One resource that I use for already-made videos is Learn Zillion.

Not every video on Learn Zillion is a winner... you have to pick and choose.  Some explain things better than others.  So, make sure you watch the full video first to see if you like it before you assign it to the kiddos.

Usually when I assign a video to watch for homefun (it's not work, it's fun, right?!) I also assign a reflection chart to go along with it.  My students have a shared google doc with me and this is where they put this chart.  However, you could also just have students answer the questions on paper.

Here is an example of the video (about dilation of a parallelogram) and reflection:


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