Transformations and Programming: Hour of Code

I just heard about something called The Hour of Code.  I am currently doing a unit with my 8th graders about transformations.  I think this topic goes along great with programming, so I'm going to try it!  I'm excited to introduce my students to programming.  If they like it, it even gives them something that they could do over Winter Break!

First of all, I am planning on doing a lesson that I found by Robert Kaplinsky about Ms. Pac Man.  Then, during the week of December 9-15, I am going to use some of the resources from "The Hour of Code."  Here are my tentative plans

Day 1: (maybe Mon Dec 9)
Watch intro video

Do "unplugged" lesson. (Tie it in with transformations?!)

Day 2: (maybe Tues Dec 10)
Introduction to "Scratch" and do self-guided tutorial to make holiday card.

Have students work with Scratch to make a game to review a math topic?


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